5 Interesting Places to Store Your Survival Foods
March 12, 2022

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with having a large food stockpile in an emergency. This could be a disaster – a flood, earthquake, tornado, or a major accident at home. However, very little is often said about survival foods to store in emergencies and how to store them.

Keep in mind that this isn’t something to rush over a weekend. Neither is it a race to determine who has saved up the most food. Instead, it’s a lifelong process you must follow carefully and methodically. But first, here are key features to look for in a food storage place.

  • Good ventilation
  • Away from direct sunlight. Dark places are a good choice for storing food.
  • Has a temperature below 80 degrees, ideally 70 degrees, to make your food more durable.
  • Dry: there is no moisture, dripping, or standing water.
  • Pest free.

Your kitchen, basement, and under your stairs are unique places, going by the features highlighted above. So, let’s talk about five exciting places to store your survival foods.

1. Closets

Closets are designed as storage places and qualify as a great place to store your survival foods. Use all the available space left, even if you have to stack food behind clothes and file shelf spaces. You should also consider building an over-the-door shelf if there’s enough space above the closet door.

2. Under the Furniture

If you’re finding it challenging to add storage spaces to your living spaces, an exciting option to try is to slide your survival foods under existing furniture. Raise your tables and couch by a few inches and put them on solid bricks if there isn’t enough space.

If you want to switch things up a bit, you can create a theatre seating by placing your couch on a stockpile of survival foods. But remember to tack a similar colored piece of cloth around the sofa’s base to keep the food out of sight.

3. Laundry Room

Laundry rooms often have unused spaces, wide enough to accommodate shelves. There is also plenty of space on top of the washer where you can easily store your survival foods. Take note that the laundry room can get hot when the dier runs and generally more humid than other parts of the house when machines are used. Also, watch out for water spills.

4. Mechanical Room

This area is a catch-all for boxes and things we feel like hanging on to. Perhaps, it’s time to get rid of items you have no use for and make room for some extra food. Note that water softeners and water heaters can soak and break the floor. So, keep food items affected by water away from the floor.

5. Crawlspaces

What you regard as a crawlspace will depend on where you’re living. There may be a basement with a crawlspace for pipes and other utilities under your home. You could use one of these crawlspaces for your survival food storage.

Since these areas are usually dirty, they often attract rodents and insects. This factor should inform the type of food you’d be putting in your crawlspace. As long your food is stored in a secure place, you’re good to go.