Choosing the Right Camping Gear
March 4, 2022

Preparing for camping can be quite tasking. Mistakes regarding the proper steps to take are also a common cause for worry. Identifying what you also need to pack for your camping trip may also be challenging.

Your gears for the camping trip are essential if you want to have a fun time while away. The key to getting the right camping gear is starting early to list and pack all you need. Besides early preparations for camping, asking the following questions will help you choose the right camping gear.

1. How long will my camping trip last?

Identifying how long you will be camping is one of the first things you need to know. The camping duration can determine the items you need aside from the basic gears, such as a sleeping bag and tent.

For example, if you will be camping for several days, you will need to get a portable camping stove with sufficient propane gas supply for the stove since you can’t have already prepared meals from home. Your duration away also determines if a water dispenser can carry the water or need a water purifier. Having a flashlight is important for every camping trip, but your camping duration determines if you need to carry extra batteries if a solar flashlight is not an option.

2. How many people are going camping?

The number of people going camping helps you know the size and type of tent to get. If you are going camping with two persons and do not want single tents, you can get a four-person tent since tents run smaller than their capacity. Each party can carry different components of the tent to make the load lighter for everyone.

3. What is the weather forecast?

You don’t want to be on a camping trip and experience a rainstorm or intense sunlight you aren’t prepared for. Checking the weather forecast for the period you intend to go camping helps you get a sleeping bag with the right temperature fit and other weather-friendly items. If the weather would be cold, you could also pack extra blankets and thicker clothing.

4. Are you driving or walking to the campsite?

If you would get to your campsite on foot, the best bet is to opt for lightweight items and gears that are easy to carry. If your party is large, carrying many gears may not be an issue, but ensure you only take the necessary gears. A portable drinking water can and a sizable backpack to accommodate many camping essentials will be an asset for hiking to the campsite.

However, driving to your camp allows you to carry as many camping gears as your car can carry. A car camper can feel confident carrying a family-sized tent.

If you go camping without the right gear, your stay may not turn out as planned. If you set out to choose your camping gear without getting the necessary information you need, you may end up with the wrong camping equipment or those not necessary to make your camping all the fun it should be.