Survival Tactics: What to do Before, During, and After a Flood
February 20, 2022

A flood is a natural event that occurs due to heavy rain or snow, rising river levels, or melting snowpack. Regardless of the cause, flooding can cause significant damage and disruption to your home, business, and personal life. Already, Flood Watch keeps us informed about when a flood is most likely to happen. This way, we can avoid being affected by a flood by knowing what we should do before it happens.

So, here are some tips on how to prepare for and survive a flood.

Before a Flood

One of the most important things you can do to prepare for flooding is to have an emergency kit. This includes a basic first-aid kit, fire extinguisher, flashlight, and batteries. Additionally, make sure you know how to contact emergency services in case of a flood.

Another important tip is to know what supplies you’ll need during a flood. Be prepared by having these items on hand: food and water for the next 72 hours, medication, pet food and water bowls, toiletries (toothbrush and toothpaste), towels and blankets, first aid kits (for children and adults), baby needs (diapers and formula), personal hygiene items (soap, shampoo), candles or flashlights with extra batteries, tools for replacing light switches or fixing doors or windows that may be damaged by flooding.

Have a plan for the higher ground you can reach quickly on foot. Bring out your outdoor furniture and take essential items to the highest floor of the building for protection from flood damage. Disconnect all electrical appliances, turn off your electricity and gas at the main valve or switch. This will prevent explosions and fire outbreaks. Finally, create an emergency communication plan that your friends and family can understand so that you can reach one another after the flood.

What to Do During a Flood

Trying to move to the higher ground you identified before the flood. Evacuate if the local authorities direct you to, but be sure it’s safe to proceed, given your circumstances. This is because, as much as possible, you must avoid walking through the flood, and driving through the downpour is a bad idea. Six inches of moving water can sweep you off.

Avoid parking or moving along rivers, creeks, and streams during heavy rainfall as flood-prone areas. If the flood rises around your car, but the water isn’t moving, abandon the car and evacuate to the higher ground. Likewise, stay put in your vehicle if the water is moving.

After a flood

It’s normal to want to return home immediately when we survive a flood to keep our belongings safe from the water. However, keep in mind to only return home when local authorities confirm it’s safe.

Stay abreast of updates on areas where the water has receded and be on the lookout for debris as you move from place to place. Remember, floods usually erode walkways and roads. Again, do not try driving through flooded areas. Avoid standing water, too, as this could be electrically charged from fallen power lines or underground cables. Finally, remember to take photos of the damage caused by the flood for insurance purposes.